Prof. Dr. Edward P. Borodzicz
Edward works as an educator, trainer/consultant and advisor to Governments, Organisations and Universities. Initially trained as a Social Anthropologist and Psychologist, receiving his PhD from London University, a masters from University of Kent, Canterbury and Brunel Universities. Edward’s research interests include: risk, crisis, resilience and security management. Edward worked extensively over the past 27 years with the emergency and security services, local and central government agencies, a variety of companies and key organisations and Universities throughout the world.
Edward’s recent academic appointments include a Professorship in Risk and Crisis Management, Assistant Dean at UWS (University of the West of Scotland) in October 2014. Edward has also acted as visiting Professor both in the UK and international settings including ETHZ Zurich, Cranfield UK and the UK Cabinet office college (EPC).
Edward appears frequently in the media, on BBC television and Radio and also a variety of independent broadcasting networks and major daily journals. Edward also appeared on BBC World Service, SKY (television), and a variety of other international media platforms following major events such as the 7/7 bombings in London, Grenfell Fire and on the BBC world service.
Edward advised the UK Cabinet Office on the production of BSi (Britisch Standart) PAS 200 and BSi 11200 (equivalent to ISO norm) for the British Standards Institute on Crisis Management, published in September 2011 and 2014 respectively, representing the first officially government sponsored standard for crisis in the world.