Content and Course Descriptions

MBA Business in a Digital World

Content and Course Descriptions
Ablauf des Studiums
  • Economic Aspects

    Advanced Business Administration 

    We offer an overview of concepts, tasks, sub-disciplines and methods of business administration in order to be able to solve economic problems with sustainable processes and procedures. 

    Business Cultures 

    We provide a fundamental understanding of cultural differences, particularly pertaining to international business. Students become familiar with different cultures (e.g. USA and China) with their specific elements. Great importance is placed on utilizing appropriate communication for the success of a company within the different cultural areas. 

    As a foundation, students will learn to analyze intercultural settings for successful management in these contexts. Also developing intercultural sensitivity enabling each student to identify with their approach and strategic position in a given cultural situation. 

    Business Ethics 

    We consider fundamental ethical values in general as well as in the business economy and corporate context.  The development of values in the course of transformation towards a global and digital society will be assessed.  In other words, we will look at the challenges that globalization and digitalization pose to society.


    Advanced Research Methods for Managers 

    We convey a theoretical and critical understanding of the paradigms of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research.  The necessary methodological skills and analytical techniques to formulate precise and scientific research questions are introduced. 

    Management in Global Environments

    We present key concepts and possible applications of management and leadership in the context of a globally networked world. This is explored through responsible management in areas such as leadership, strategy development and decision-making. 

    Economic Geography 

    This course asks students to engage with the mutual relations between people and the world, we focus on selected areas of economic geography, such as technological change, multiculturalism and space, urbanization, globalization and unequal development, while considering nature and the environment.  Students will develop a strong understanding of the global business economy from a geographical context. Utilizing learned approaches to understand one’s personal economic activity and global living conditions. 

  • Digital Aspects

    Business Information Systems 

    Students will work with operational information systems for product development and business process management. Students will deepen their knowledge of planning models, communication mechanisms and data organization structures, while being presented with IT architecture, interfaces and basic design rules for information systems. 

    Digital Business Models 

    Students will develop a multi-stage model for the conception, development and continuous improvement of a digital presence – specifically through an established digital strategy. Various IT tools are utilized to support the model. 

    The Internet of Things 

    Students will become familiar with the various forms of the Internet of Things – particularly with applications for selected areas such as predictive maintenance.  Students are asked to develop a separate application of a multi-level business model and are encouraged to use different IT tools. Services and applications in the IoT network are explored through technical interactions. 

    Data-Driven Analytics 

    This course investigates various methods and concepts of computer-aided data analysis and the practical applications. Students will learn to structure information systems to ensure their essential characteristics are recognizable. Students will also learn to create key figures and methods to determine empirical data and analyzing larger contexts.    

  • Perspective

    Students learn to prepare themselves for a leadership role within the global, local and digital world economies. Students will also become equipped with the necessary tools to successfully represent a global organization and to create and expand new business into global markets.

    The University of West Saxony Zwickau is currently working to establish cooperation with new business partners. Having these real-world collaborations enable students to apply learned knowledge and put skills into practice. 

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